Bredahl, Vibe: ROD SKOV.

Bredahl, Vibe: ROD SKOV.

Author: Bredahl, Vibe
Country: Denmark
Language: Picture Spread
Year Published: 2006
No. of pages: 25
Illustrations: 25 Color Illustrations.
Binding: Folded Book in Box
Size: 2 1/2”x 4”
Weight: 2,022.00
ISBN: 8776690091
Code: 6061

Price: $29.50

This innovative accordion type picture “guirland” is a unique piece of art. It tells a magnificent fantasy story of a young girl who is alone in a forest and comes across a puddle from which she blows a bubble, little did she know she was followed by a hunter. This is told through creative drawings in an interesting layout.