TESSIN, NICODEMUS THE YOUNGER. Source Works Collections / Traicte dela decoration interieure 1717

TESSIN, NICODEMUS THE YOUNGER. Source Works Collections / Traicte dela decoration interieure 1717

Author: Waddy, Patricia
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish/English
Year Published: 2002
No. of pages: 294
Illustrations: 12 Color Illustrations. 76 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 8 1/2” x 11 1/2”
Weight: 3.00
ISBN: 9171006575
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Bio. Index. Cat. of exh.
Code: 6304

Price: $250.00

Nicodemus Tessin the Younger was appointed royal architect in 1676 and completed churches, palaces, castles, and gardens. He was one of the greatest architects of his time. This edition of Nicodemus Tessin the Younger, the second volume in the series, contains the previously unpublished completed manuscript by Tessin of 1717, Traicte dela decoration interieure. Though it was never printed, Tessin mentions that he was the first of his time to write about interiors and their decorations in Sweden. This edition features a history of the Traicte written by Tessin in his own words, as well as, a detailed description of his design for the Swedish Royal Court. Includes glossary.