NORDLIV (Life in the North). Skandinaviske Boliger (Scandinavian Residences)

NORDLIV (Life in the North). Skandinaviske Boliger (Scandinavian Residences)

Author: Elmquist, Dorrit. Photography by Birgitta Wolfgang Drejer
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 2007
No. of pages: 293
Illustrations: 171 Color Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound with Jacket
Size: 11”x 9 1/2”
Weight: 4.00
ISBN: 9788702053937
Biblio/Bio: Bios.
Code: 6131

Price: $120.00

This visually stunning book is about Nordic dwellings and the people who live in them. Brimming with tips and ideas, this book centers around Nordic homes and their unmistakably soft, simple, comfortable interiors, design and decor. The decor also shows a touch of influences and expressions from other cultures, traditions and customs. The book features romantic, artistic, practical and modern homes in Scandinavia with fine details and charming scenery. Including selected recipes.