STORA MÖBELBOKEN, DEN (Great Furniture Book, The). Underhall, Reparationer, Malning, Möbeltapetsering (Maintenance, Repair, Painting and Upholstery)

STORA MÖBELBOKEN, DEN (Great Furniture Book, The). Underhall, Reparationer, Malning, Möbeltapetsering (Maintenance, Repair, Painting and Upholstery)

Author: Hagen, Ann Cathrine; Slipher, Beate; Berg, Espen et al
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 2006
No. of pages: 184
Illustrations: 305 Color Illustrations. 4 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 11”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 3.00
ISBN: 9789151848709
Biblio/Bio: Index. Bio. Bios.
Code: 6108

Price: $59.50

This is an important book about Swedish furniture restoration in detail showing old methods as well as new methods, practical as well as historically correct. Includes innovative designs and methods of changing and rebuilding old and used furniture.