STOLENS GULDÅLDER (The Golden Age of the Chair). Stolar & Stolmakare i Sverige 1650-1850 (Chairs & Chair Makers in Sweden 1650-1850)

STOLENS GULDÅLDER (The Golden Age of the Chair). Stolar & Stolmakare i Sverige 1650-1850 (Chairs & Chair Makers in Sweden 1650-1850)

Author: Sylvén, Torsten
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 2003
No. of pages: 386
Illustrations: 241 Color Illustrations. 151 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound with Jacket
Size: 7 1/2”x 11 1/2”
Weight: 4.00
ISBN: 9151840251
Code: 5919

Price: $150.00

This book presents chairs of Sweden from the Golden Age. Here is the most formal of furniture, with gilt and ornate decoration and embroidered upholstery, to ordinary straight-backed kitchen chairs, with woven seats. This engaging and comprehensive book gives you a detailed history of the development of the Swedish chair from 1650-1850 and includes 130 signatures. The book will delight and prove to be a valuable resource to all who are interested in and collect furniture.