WRITING IS AN ACT OF LOVE. An Exhibition on Hans Christian Andersen's Conquest of Writing

WRITING IS AN ACT OF LOVE. An Exhibition on Hans Christian Andersen's Conquest of Writing

Author: Miss, Stig, Annesofie Becker, Jørn Lund, Serageldin, Ismael et al
Country: Denmark
Language: English
Year Published: 2005
No. of pages: 95
Illustrations: 11 Color Illustrations. 15 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 9”x 5 1/2”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8775211084
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh.
Code: 5821

Price: $39.50

At the heart of this exhibition is a selection of Andersen’s diaries and almanacs, offering a fascinating glimpse into the thoughts and writings of a great figure in world literature. These documents contain keys to the writer’s life and works, and the indexes of names, works, subjects and places contained in the published versions provide an invaluable means of approach to the time in which he lived. They are also worth putting on show, for the paper, ink, and Andersen’s delicate handwriting require an attention that is more than mere reading. This book should give you a better understanding of this genius who has brought so much joy to the world’s children of all ages. An exquisitely bound book with beautiful end papers and a fine full figure sepia tone photograph of Andersen in formal attire in a special setting.