DANSKE DRONNINGER I TUSIND ÅR (Danish Queens through A Thousand Years).

DANSKE DRONNINGER I TUSIND ÅR (Danish Queens through A Thousand Years).

Author: Heiberg, Steffen, ed
Country: Danish
Language: Danish
Year Published: 2004
No. of pages: 389
Illustrations: 139 Color Illustrations. 30 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 10”x 7”
Weight: 3.00
ISBN: 8702029464
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Index. Bios.
Code: 5706

Price: $85.00

Behind every great man stands a greater woman so the saying goes. This book explores the Queens’ different roles through a millenium. It is comprised of a series of biographies which depicts the Queens both as political factors as well as cultural attaches, as most Queens in the day were foreigners. Danish Queens presents an interesting piece of Danish Women’s history for the first time. Many illustrations of royal costumes, paintings of royalty, crown jewels etc.