ZORNS, ANDERS MÅLNING KÄRLEKSNYMF (Anders Zorn’s Painting The Love Nymph).

ZORNS, ANDERS MÅLNING KÄRLEKSNYMF (Anders Zorn’s Painting The Love Nymph).

Author: Sandström, Birgitta
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 2005
No. of pages: 47
Illustrations: 35 Color Illustrations. 17 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 9 1/2”x 6 1/2”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 9197432938
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Bios.
Code: 5536

Price: $19.50

For a long time now, the Zorn Museum has had a tradition of having a summer exhibition of Zorn’s art every year. Now has come the time to present The Love Nymph, an outstanding watercolor from 1885, that became his first painting of a naked motif. Zorn worked on the painting for over a year and no other watercolor piece has been studied so thoroughly by so many, both in regards to figure art work and that of the surrounding nature. This book presents many new photos never published before.