DET MODERNE PROJEKT (The Modern Project). Technique & Culture in Denmark- Norway 1750-(1814)-1850

DET MODERNE PROJEKT (The Modern Project). Technique & Culture in Denmark- Norway 1750-(1814)-1850

Author: Christensen, Dan Ch.
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 1996
No. of pages: 874
Illustrations: 38 Color Illustrations. 292 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound w/ Jacket
Size: 10 1/2”x 8”
Weight: 6.00
ISBN: 8700286443
Biblio/Bio: Bio.
Code: 4812

Price: $69.50

This book explores the Romantic period in Denmark and Norway and the development of their industrial revolution. A look at the European scene of that time and the technological optimism that was buzzing, as well as fundamental changes that occured culturally, economically and with the advances of modern machines in the factory. Denmark-Norway became pioneers of technical and economic relations in Europe. 24 chapters address the history of modern technology, especially as they developed in these Northern countries, and how it has influenced our lifestyle today.