DET KONGELIGE NU (The Royal Now). Kongefamilien Skildret af Danske Bladtegnere Gennem 25 år fortalt af Jane Aamund/ The Royal Family Drawn by Danish Illustrators Through 25 Years, Told by Jane Aamund

DET KONGELIGE NU (The Royal Now). Kongefamilien Skildret af Danske Bladtegnere Gennem 25 år fortalt af Jane Aamund/ The Royal Family Drawn by Danish Illustrators Through 25 Years, Told by Jane Aamund

Author: Seidel, Claus, eds
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 1997
No. of pages: 100
Illustrations: 16 Color Illustrations. 30 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 12”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 879057775
Biblio/Bio: Bios.
Code: 4813

Price: $23.50

A humor-filled pictorial introduction to Danish royalty. These cartoon images, created by various illustrators, politicians, and journalists, reveal the true opinions of the Danish public regarding their Royalty. Includes nearly 50 caricatures, with context and explanations of each.