CHESSPLAYERS, THE/ SAKINPELAAJAT. Italian Paintings from the Collections of the Muzeum Norodowe in Poznan/ Italialasisia Maalauksia Poznanin Kansallismuseon Kokoelmista Puolasta

CHESSPLAYERS, THE/ SAKINPELAAJAT. Italian Paintings from the Collections of the Muzeum Norodowe in Poznan/ Italialasisia Maalauksia Poznanin Kansallismuseon Kokoelmista Puolasta

Author: Huhtamäki, Ulla, Konstanty Kalinowski, Piotr Michalowski, et al
Country: Finland
Language: Finnish/ English
Year Published: 1999
No. of pages: 84
Illustrations: 26 Color Illustrations. 3 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 11”x 9”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 9515319722
Biblio/Bio: Bio.
Code: 5130

Price: $29.50

A collection of masters of the Italian Renaissance from a foreign source, Poland. This exhibition contains gems of Italian paintings from many periods, spanning from the early 1300s to the late 1700s. The title of the exhibition- “The Chessplayers”- was isnpired by Sophisba Anguissola’s work painted in 1555, showing the female artist’s sisters gathering around a game of chess, an image of the new Renaissance woman who was conscious of her social status and erudition.