Photography: Metal - Silver/Gold/Precious Stones/Wrought Iron/Enamel Survey

Monographs || Survey ||


Author: Yakovlev, V.P.
Country: Finland
Code: 3396
Language: English/ Russian/ Finnish
Year Published: 1997
No. of pages: 50
Illustrations: 104 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 10”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 1.00

Price: 49.50

The knowledge of western historians has, for many years, been limited to printed sources, and in the study of the Romanovs, it has centered solely on the reigning branch of the family. However, the Imperial family was not limited to the central branch of Nicholas I, but extended far beyond. In an effort to acquire a panoramic view of the Romanov dynasty, this book has put together photographs starting with the reign of Alexander II (1855-1881), the era that saw the development of photography and goes through the 20th century.

RUMMET I ØJET (The Space in the Eye). Stereogrammers Virkning og Konstruktion (Stereogram’s Effect and Construction)

Author: Holm, Michael, Nils Lykke, and Steffen Toksvig
Country: Denmark
Code: 4208
Language: Danish
Year Published: 1994
No. of pages: 48
Illustrations: 45 Color Illustrations.
Size: 8 1/2”x 10 1/2”
Weight: 1.00

Price: 14.50

Stereograms, in this book, are computer-generated kaleidoscopic images that, although flat, give the impression of solidity or relief. Though they have existed for 150 years, with the help of computers, they have now emerged in a new form as they produce the same effect on the viewer without the need for special viewing devices. These captivating images have a brilliant alluring quality that force you to “see” in a new way. In great detail and with exquisite illustrations, this book- written by an architect, a graphic artist, and a civil engineer- explains the intrigue behind stereograms by charting their history and describing how and why they work.


Author: Strong, Daniel
Country: Iowa
Code: 6774
Language: English
Year Published: 2005
No. of pages: 149
Illustrations: 98 Color Illustrations. 61 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 9”x 6 1/2”
Weight: 1.00

Price: 35.00

The country beside itself, revisited : notes on Swedish photography since the 1970s.


Author: Strong, Daniel et al
Country: Iowa
Code: 6772
Language: English
Year Published: 2005
No. of pages: 206
Illustrations: 128 Color Illustrations. 66 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 9”x 6 1/2”
Weight: 2.00

Price: 35.00

Survey of contemporary Danish photography.

SKØNHED (Beauty).

Author: Schwander, Lars ed
Country: Denmark
Code: 5309
Language: Danish
Year Published: 2001
No. of pages: 60
Illustrations: 4 Color Illustrations. 30 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 8”sq
Weight: 1.00

Price: 19.50

This book shows you different aspects of the conception of beauty. A presentation of a varied array of original photography from Denmark, USA, Israel, Iceland, France, Hungary, Mexico, Germany and Italy. Each image containing its own singular beauty. The essays on beauty by Lars Schwander and Jean-Claude Lemagny, Paris, talk about aesthetics and the abstraction of beauty.