Fine Art: Modern & Contemporary Painting & Sculpture

Metal - Silver/Gold/Precious Stones/Wrought Iron/Enamel Survey || Monographs || Posters || Survey ||


Country: California
Language: English
Year Published: 1985
No. of pages: 10
Illustrations: 7 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 10 1/2”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 0.00
Biblio/Bio: Bio.
Code: 0443

Price: $9.50

Four works in bronze, ten works in acrylic on paper and handmade books.


Author: Bræin, Kristina
Language: English
Year Published: 2013
No. of pages: 158
Illustrations: 215 Color Illustrations. 0 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 11”x 9”
Weight: 3.00
ISBN: 9783866787971
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh. Bio.
Code: 6817

Price: $89.50

This first monograph of Norwegian artist Kristina Braein (born 1955) covers her works from 1998 to the present. Her sensitive and meticulously constructed installations make use of everyday materials such as scotch tape and carpet.

BÆRTLING: 1911-1981. Den Öppna Formens Skapare/ Creator of Open Form

Author: Konsthall, Malmö
Country: Sweden
Language: English/Swedish
Year Published: 1981
No. of pages: 75
Illustrations: Some Color Illustrations. Many B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 11 1/2”x 8”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 9171001999
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Bio. Index.
Code: 6347

Price: $30.00

BØGGILD, MOGENS PÅ THORVALDSENS MUSEUM z( Mogens Bøggild at Thorvaldsen’s Museum).

Author: Gelius, William, Miss, Stig
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 2013
No. of pages: 110
Illustrations: 63 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 10x8
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 9788775211302
Biblio/Bio: Index. Bio.
Code: 6821

Price: $39.50

Mogens Bøggilds (1901-1987) many sculptures of animals and humans are the result of thorough nature studies, there are numerous drawings and clay models behind the finished works that appear as precise and as snapshots of the living life in motion.

CALDER, ALEXANDER. Louisiana Revy. Volume 36, No. 1

Author: Lars Grambye, Giovanni Carandente, et. al
Country: Denmark
Language: English
Year Published: 1995
No. of pages: 45
Binding: Softbound
Size: 11 1/2”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: None
Biblio/Bio: Bio. Cat. of exh.
Code: 1983

Price: $29.50

Introduction by Lars Grambye; and following many essays as follows: Alexander Calder by Giovanni Carandente; Calder’s World by Knud W. Jensen; Motion and Reality in Calder’s Work by Arnauld Pierre; The World is Things Which Have Been Put Together, A meeeting with Alexander Calder by Hein Heinesen; Alexander Calder - The Friendly Modernist by Jens Toft; Calder’s Mobile by Jean-Paul Sartre; Stabiles: The Dark Side by Arnauld Pierre and finally Licence Plates by Alexander S.C.Rower.