Architecture: Metal - Silver/Gold/Precious Stones/Wrought Iron/Enamel Survey

Landscape Architecture || Limited Edition Signed Copies Monographs || Monographs || Survey ||

TOLV HUS (Twelve Houses). Byggnadsskick och Tradition På Den Svenska Landsbygden (Construction Types and Tradition in Sweden’s Countryside)

Author: Werne, Finn
Country: Sweden
Code: 3836
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 1997
No. of pages: 136
Illustrations: 29 Color Illustrations. 51 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 9”x 10”
Weight: 2.00

Price: 75.00

Every province in Sweden has its own distinctive architecture that reflects the unique characteristics of the region. A presentation of the traditional types of houses from northern to southern Sweden, this book employs great detail with illustrations of cross-sections, plans, and construction details of each house type. Werne, an architect and professor at Lund’s technical school, describes the historical development of each type of house as well as presenting the specific history of each building and describing the daily lifestyle of the building’s occupants. This intriguing exploration reveals that the development of building technique and style in Sweden is truly inseparable from the rural history of the country.

TOP 50: Architecture Aarhus.

Author: Lind, Olaf
Country: Denmark
Code: 6169
Language: English
Year Published: 2007
No. of pages: 160
Illustrations: 106 Color Illustrations. 82 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 5”x 4 1/2”
Weight: 1.00

Price: 35.00

A small city guide for the second largest city in Denmark. Fifty of the most important architectural works in a jiffy. Intended for the city tourist, who wants a quick general view without going into details. A guide to the city’s top architectural works.


Author: Lind, Olaf and Annemarie Lund
Country: Denmark
Code: 6170
Language: English
Year Published: 2006
No. of pages: 157
Illustrations: 125 Color Illustrations. 94 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 5”x 4 1/2”
Weight: 1.00

Price: 35.00

A small city guide. Fifty of the most important architectural works in a jiffy. Intended for the city tourist who wants a quick general view without going into details. A guide to the city’s top architectural works.

TRACES OF NEW CITYSCAPES. Metropolises on the Verge of the 21st Century

Author: Kural, Réne, ed
Country: Denmark
Code: 2999
Language: English
Year Published: 1997
No. of pages: 111
Illustrations: 74 Color Illustrations. 27 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 12” x 8 1/2”
Weight: 1.00

Price: 75.00

How will the city, space and architecture develop in the 21st century? Will the cities be able to maintain their individual nature, or will the future cityscape be uniform and standardized? With the joint development of cities in the global network, what ensures continuity between local traditions and innovations? In short: what is taking place in the metropolis right now, and what is in store? In order to shed light on these and many other questions, the anthology introduces a number of theories about the city as well as projects from Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen, Dublin, Milan and Rotterdam. This book addresses audiences who may have a professional, moral or humanistic interest in the city on the verge of the 21st century.


Author: Mårtensson, Hans
Country: Sweden
Code: 5818
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 2004
No. of pages: 128
Illustrations: 174 Color Illustrations. 1 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 11 1/2”x 7”
Weight: 2.00

Price: 69.50

A charming book describing all the different kinds of garden houses in Sweden with beautiful illustrations. Here you can realize your dreams of a lush, yet cosy garden, where bountiful plantlife creates a world unto itself. You will find inspiration and ideas on how a 1940s garden house can look new or old. A lovely and practical book, full of inspiration and innovation including plans for some garden houses and the gardens surrounding them.