Photography: Metal - Silver/Gold/Precious Stones/Enamel Monographs

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BEATON OG BLIXEN (Beaton and Blixen). Photographic Portraits of Karen Blixen and other International Contemporary Personalities

Author: Marianne Wirenfeldt Asmussen
Country: Denmark
Code: 2430
Language: Danish/ English
Year Published: 1996
No. of pages: 39
Illustrations: 34 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 12 1/2”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 1.00

Price: 19.50

Here are photographic portraits by the renowned English photographer Cecil Beaton (1904-1980) of some of the most celebrated personalities of the 20th century: Karen Blixen, John Gielgud, Greta Garbo, Arthur Miller, Marilyn Monroe, Igor Stravinsky, Carson McCullers, Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev, Martha Graham, Audrey Hepburn, Maria Callas, Truman Capote, Beba Beaton, Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas, Charles de Gaulle. There is also a wonderful extra series of photographs of Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen), taken in New York in 1959.


Author: Svein Olav Hoff
Country: Norway
Code: 3213
Language: English/ Norwegian
Year Published: 1996
No. of pages: 131
Illustrations: 50 Color Illustrations. 9 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 12”x 10 1/2”
Weight: 3.00

Price: 49.50

This book shows Jim Bengtson’s landscape series “Empty Landscape”. The beautiful, expansive landscape photos were taken in the mountains of Ringebu, south of Rondane National Park in Norway, in the rich-colored red sandstone desert in southeastern Utah and in Portør on the coast of Telemark. He describes trying to capture the “feeling” of the landscape with his photos-not just the color and shape. This impressive book is truly a must for anyone interested in landscape photography.


Author: Boulanger, Sandra
Country: Denmark
Code: 5306
Language: English/ Danish
Year Published: 2002
No. of pages: 37
Illustrations: 26 Color Illustrations.
Size: 8”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 0.00

Price: 19.50

Sandra has the extroadinary capacity to capture the ephemeral moment and give it a full meaning, digging into the souls that populate her photography. She projects the world around her in her very own manner, now searching and getting involved, now stopping and breathing her visions with a new life - digging into the deepest Bolivian soul. This is a catalogue of images in motion/ life in Bolivia.

Brox, Thomas Linder: PATAGONIA.

Author: Ottesen, Rasmus Lanken
Country: Denmark
Code: 5428
Language: Danish with English Loose Translation
Year Published: 2003
No. of pages: 95
Illustrations: 47 Color Illustrations.
Size: 8 1/2”x 10”
Weight: 1.00

Price: 59.50

In January 1999, Brox held an exhibition in Roskilde Kunstforening, Denmark, that was to be his last exhibition for a long time. He had a new approach to making pictures: Instead of making them to be displayed on the wall, he imagined them to be experienced in book form. In this book he finds words to go with the images for he wants to present himself as a “writing photographer”. With this approach in mind, Brox sets out on a journey across Patagonia beginning in February 1999, a region that covers about 350,000 square miles of southernmost Argentina and Chile; from the river Rio Negro in the north to Cape Horn in the south.

Brox, Thomas Linder: ROADS & RAILWAYS. Photographs 1999-2001

Author: Ottesen, Rasmus Lanken
Country: Denmark
Code: 5427
Language: English
Year Published: 2002
No. of pages: 48
Illustrations: 22 Color Illustrations.
Size: 6 1/2”x 7 1/2”
Weight: 1.00

Price: 29.50

Thomas and Rasmus yearned for desolate places, which they were not finding in their homeland, Denmark and as a consequence of this, they travelled almost 6000 kilometers through Norway, Finland and Sweden. They went north by the E6 route, which took them through a landscape of widespread forests and barren mountain crests. These photographs are shot in 1999-2001, of which some are from the series ‘Patagonia, ‘Visions of India’, and ‘Transit’. He has collected 21 photographs from 4 continents and 10 different countries, all of which relate to the same theme. Rasmus states in the epilogue: “On one hand the roads and railways always give an indication of direction that gives rise to the hope that the purpose or meaning of the journey can be found behind the horizon. On the other hand the pictures show no final destination by the end of the road, no arrivals, only the open space and the constant repetition of the point from which the trail again disappears into the unknown.”