Fine Art: Modern & Contemporary Painting & Sculpture

Metal - Silver/Gold/Precious Stones/Wrought Iron/Enamel Survey || Monographs || Posters || Survey ||


Author: Arline M. Fisch
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish/ English
Year Published: 1995
No. of pages: 80
Illustrations: 30 Color Illustrations. 30 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 10”x 7”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8788307271
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh. Bio.
Code: 1669

Price: $49.50

Under the direction of Professor of Art Arline M. Fisch, 14 students demonstrate their artistry mainly in jewelry with innovative designs and a high degree of craftmanship in this impressive exhibition. Arline Fisch was in Denmark on a Fulbright scholarship in the 1950s and received another Fulbright scholarship in 1966, when she had a solo exhibition at the Applied Arts Museum at the time when Scandinavian design was at its peak.


Author: Karvonen, Kirsti ed.
Country: Finland
Language: English/ Finnish
Year Published: 2004
No. of pages: 130
Illustrations: 76 Color Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 12”x 9”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 9524714515
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh. Bio.
Code: 5933

Price: $75.00

This book captures the artist’s very personal process, where he explores organic shapes in a quest for a new interpretation of sculpture. Kimmo Schroderus displays a great analytical faculty and a capacity for change. After realizing works on canvas, on mirrors, in leather and in wood, he has recently been applying metal techniques to sculpture, while at the same time alluding to two very different formal references: forms taken from architecture and forms taken from the hand-crafted object, as well as from nature and construction, from movement and equilibrium. The range of forms that he is working on at the moment span an interest in representation and a certain intimation of landscape. Out of steel, he constructs pieces that go beyond the limits of the traditional space of sculpture (the three dimensional), so as to deal simultaneously with open space and closed space, with the interior and the exterior. In his constructions he ‘represents’ sculptural landscapes.


Author: Vänskä, Annamari
Country: Norway
Language: English
Year Published: 2001
No. of pages: 16
Illustrations: 13 Color Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 11.5”x 8”
Weight: 0.00
Biblio/Bio: Bio.
Code: 5313

Price: $9.50

This booklet contains a selection of this Finnish artist (b. 1970) most interesting works. The art transgresses the boundaries between handicraft, high art and popular culture, and therefore he can be linked to famous male artists of the history of art - to Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Jeff Coons. His art refer to the tradition of handicraft through his use of materials and craftmanship. In his hands black leather together with bright colored leather, like red, gold and blue, create visually and aesthetically pleasant and beautiful surfaces. He has created sculptures for the home such as a steel bed covered with leather, a table, chairs, mirrors, and even a car.

SCREAM, THE - BOREALIS 8. Nordic Fine Arts 1995-96

Author: Levin, Kim
Country: Denmark
Language: English/ Danish
Year Published: 1996
No. of pages: 175
Illustrations: 78 Color Illustrations. 11 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 9”x 7 1/2”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 9518955603
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh. Bios.
Code: 3578

Price: $44.50

This avant garde exhibition, mostly by a new generation, include installations, video art and photography and even some traditional painting. The 37 artists include Anne-Marie Ekstrand, Tim Hawkinson, Mariko Mori, Jan-Erik Andersson, Olafur Eliasson, Helene Billgren, et. al. some of whom have shown internationally. The book is not rectangular but


Author: From. Iben & Benedicte Bojesen
Country: Denmark
Language: English/Chinese
Year Published: 2012
No. of pages: 110
Illustrations: 170 Color Illustrations. 4 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 10x 7 1/2
Weight: 1.00
Biblio/Bio: Bios.
Code: 6855

Price: $39.50

Despite great geographical distance between the countries of SEEING LANDSCAPE, cultural exchange was rewarding for all involved artists. As Elsemarie Bukdahl writes in one exhibition catalog: "you discover that Chinese culture is still characterized by harmony between the external world and the human world.” The Chinese thought before that Denmark was a distant province, and the Danes thought the same about China. The exhibition documented the current and fruitful dialogue between contemporary artists in the two countries. There was also a historical dimension of the dialogue since then Corner artists had the first collaboration with Chinese colleagues already 60 years ago.A common outlook for the current project was precisely to study each other's landscapes - 'seeing landscape'. The artists worked with their own art, while they visited the stranger and the exhibition shows what came out of it. The full title of the project opened with a Chinese guest saying "The wise enjoy the mountains; the show enjoys the water: SEEING LANDSCAPE ". The Chinese guests in Denmark saw no mountains in DK (though they got Himmelbjerg appointed), but they viewed a lot of water - saw Denmark nearly as an island community and a place where a story can unfold. The exhibtion gives the audience new perspectives to see each place depicted in paintings and drawings by artists from China or Denmark.These Chinese and Danish artists, all primarily painters, came together around something which for them is a core value; that the work of art is its strength of spirit. The figuration must not be photographic, but act as a communication medium, or expressed differently: The artwork must be the venue between reality and spirit.,