SVENSK INDUSTRIDESIGN (Swedish Industrial Design). En 1900-Talhistoria (A 19th Century History)

Author: Lasse Brunnström, ed
Country: Sweden
Code: 3143
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 1997
No. of pages: 427
Illustrations: 56 Color Illustrations. 357 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 10 1/2”x 8”
Weight: 3.00

Price: 99.50

This book focuses on Swedish industrial design from 1900 and onwards. Items that are discussed are telephones, sewing machines, cars, cookware, record players, televisions, and trains. This book includes the history of how these designs were created and how they impacted society, and highlights the modernist, pioneering spirit of these designs.

TOOL TOYS. Tools with an Element of Play

Author: Alexander Manu
Country: Denmark
Code: 1814
Language: English/ Danish
Year Published: 1995
No. of pages: 119
Illustrations: 14 Color Illustrations. 79 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 8”x 4 1/2”
Weight: 1.00

Price: 55.00

The idea of this book is that the successful products of the future will contain elements of both tools and toys. Identifying the properties which make a tool a tool and a toy a toy, the book explores how the properties of both can be united. The LEGO brick and the Swatch are modern classics in this field. This book should fascinate and inspire all designers.